ok.....Elizabeth Foster (painting and singing friend) and i drove past this place on the
way to Greenwood SC for our Art Opening @ Sundance Gallery back in NOV/2010
every time we went by it...we either had no room in the car...or no time to stop ....or it was closed!
but Elizabef, ...like the sweet girl she is, stopped for me on our way home from the opening and i just
about soiled myself!
so we stopped and walked up to see if it was open!
but it was a SUNDAY morning people, in BACK WOODS GA...
whadda you think? yep.....you guessed it....
everyone was at church!
but ....we snooped around and fell in love with the random selection!
scattered all over the the surrounding yard!
can i live here please?....just sayin'
UHHHHHH! yer killin me! rucka shmuka!!!!!
I peeked in the window of the old white building...and i snapped this shot
so glad....no ghost spots showed up! WHEW!
sigh....... (one small tear on my cheek :(......... snif snif...
oh you bet your sweet bootie...i's a comin back here!
with a TRUCK!!!
Elizabeth Foster ....my road buddy and fellow Artist in the TRENCHES !
found a cute MAN! too bad she couldn't take him home!
ME SOOOO SOO SAD....it was CLOSED!!!!!!
thats why i look like deputy dog! jowls and all!
oh...well.....just another good reason to come back to GA!
after my face unfreezes of course!
and i have my "lifestyle lift"!